Virtual Warehouse Assistant has Open Ear for Colleagues
17th December 2024

At LogiMAT 2025, Unitechnik will be demonstrating how its warehouse management system will communicate with logistics employees in natural language in the future. In addition, an AI-based cobot from Sereact and the Skypod system from EXOTEC will be demonstrating new approaches to modern warehouse automation live.
Warehouse management system UniWare from system integrator Unitechnik provides a wide range of information, including the current system status, storage location occupancy, fault message history and order progress. The WMS uses dashboards and graphics to visualise all important information so that every UniWare user can access it. In future, all authorised employees will have even easier access to this data by communicating with UniWare in natural language. This is the logical further development of the UniWare-AI control centre assistant presented at the last LogiMAT.
Barrier-free access
“Show me the five most frequent faults in lane 1 in the last month.” “How many order items did we dispatch the day before yesterday?” In future, this or similar questions could be sent to the warehouse management system via the employee’s smartphone headset. The desired information appears on the display in the form of text, speech, graphics or tables. By communicating in natural language, UniWare also makes it possible to provide sophisticated and individual information about the logistics centre’s operations without having to operate the software manually. The manufacturer-independent general contractor will be presenting such a version of UniWare-AI at LogiMAT 2025. Visitors to the trade fair will not only be able to talk to Unitechnik’s automation experts, but also to the warehouse management system itself.
Robotics with AI power
Another special focus at the trade fair is AI-controlled robotics. At the trade fair stand, an intelligent cobot from Sereact will demonstrate how different objects can be recognised and picked automatically. The system shows how modern robotics can be integrated into intralogistics workflows. An additional highlight is the Skypod system from EXOTEC, for which Unitechnik is an integration partner. With its autonomous warehouse robots, it sets new standards in automation and is characterised by scalability, high performance and efficient use of space.
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